The recent iOS 9 security update has caused some scrambling for our Restart Center volunteers and students. We are still determining the scope of the issue, but we’ve sent the note below to students to proactively prevent students from experiencing Error 53. Even if the security update is primarily tied to the TouchID feature, there have been reports of other repairs,…
Category: Restart Center
Learn more about the organization that served as an inspiration for the Restart Centers, the Restart Project, and how we’re planning to expand the repair movement into other schools. (via the Restart Project)

And the winner is: iPhone!
…for the contest of “highest total repairs by students” in the Restart Center. In our first month of launch, we’ve repaired 15 iPhones with students. We’ve run into bumps and lumps, and a lot of unwieldy cables, but the Restart Center is picking up steam. Check out our latest progress over at iFixit. A few things we’ve learned through the flood…
The folks over at iFixit have written a post about our work with students and the connection between design and repairability. (via iFixit)

Launching the Restart Center (Updated 2/26)
On April 16, 2015 we ran our first Restart Party. Working with students, we were able to salvage 34 of 36 damaged Chromebooks slated for disposal during a one hour Earth Day event. To build upon the success of the Restart Party, we started to brainstorm the possibility of long-term repair learning opportunities in the high school. We specifically stayed away from…

How to run a Restart Party at your school
We salved 34 damaged Chromebooks in one hour. Details of setup, logistics, etc. are included on the Restart Project blog.